3-11 Porter - Surround Me with Your Love

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Исполнитель: 3-11 Porter

Композиция: Surround Me with Your Love

Длительность: 04:20

Добавлен: 2014-10-18

Скачали: 646


Все песни исполнителя 3-11 Porter
Текст песни:

Can you hear me
Please don't go
Where are you going
Conversations go over my head
Isolation has an ugly face
Surround me with your love
Understand me I need you now
Surround me with your words
Understand me I need your love
I need your love
I need your love

I'm so lonely
And it feels like disease
Come and stay, stay beside me
Stay always forever don't go
Surround me with your love
Understand me I need you now
Surround me with your words
Understand me I need your love

Клип 3-11 Porter/ Surround me with your love
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