3 - wait horse

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Рейтинг: 0

Исполнитель: 3

Композиция: wait horse

Длительность: 06:16

Добавлен: 2016-12-18

Скачали: 1030


Все песни исполнителя 3
Текст песни:

If you gonna ride! Go ride the white horse!!
If you gonna ride! Go ride the white horse!!
If you gonna ride! Go ride the white horse!!

white horse

If you wanna be rich! you've got to be a bitch!
If you wanna be rich! you've got to be a bitch!

i said rich,bitch

if you gonna ride!
if you gonna ride!
If you gonna ride! Go ride the white horse!!
If you gonna ride! Go ride the white horse!!

white horse

If you wanna ride! Ride the white poney!!
If you wanna ride! Ride the white poney!!
White poney

Клип Gta 5 | "HORSES!? oh wait that's a cow..." #3
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